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Parent Information

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Art Pockets

You will find a plastic tub near the the coat hooks on the back verandah with a file containing your child's artwork. Please check this regularly so you can take them home with you


Coat & Bag Hooks

After collecting your child’s welcome star (face), please place it above your child’s bag hook in the hallway. This is where to hang your child’s hat & coats too.


Complaints Procedure

Please feel free to discuss any queries or problems with any of the staff at Funshine. Busy drop off times are not always the best time to have these discussions, so please schedule a time to sit down with one of the staff so we can address your child's needs.

A policy for dealing with complaints is displayed on our foyer wall. If you have concerns or complaints relating to the operation of the centre, please feel free to refer the matter to:
Funshine Board of Trustees, PO Box 198, Riversdale
Phone or speak to: Heather Gullick,  Funshine Board Chairperson on 021 110 2745.


If you feel like you are wishing to take the complaint further, or you want to questions the issues of non-compliance or legislation, you may contact the Ministry of Education directly.

  • Southern Region Dunedin Office, Private Bag 1971 Dunedin 9054. Ph: (03) 4715 202

  • Or visit


Daily & Weekly Register

Please remember to use your PIN to sign your child in and out using tablet in the front foyer. It is also important that you also sign the weekly enrolment attestation once a week to confirm your child’s attendance for the current week. This is a Ministry requirement and it is important that the record kept is accurate. In addition, we also use this register in case of emergencies eg evacuation. 

We also have a diary in reception where you can leave us messages such as who is picking up your child, if someone different or early pick up.



Lunch: A healthy packed lunch needs to be provided for all children.  Please avoid nuts (due to allergies), sweets, fizzy drinks and other unhealthy foods. We do regulate lunch boxes and will notify parents if there are inappropriate items packed into lunch boxes.   

​Morning tea: For morning tea, we ask that you pack a piece of fruit for your child, as we encourage them to eat this first before enjoying other snacks. For some great tips for lunchboxes or for some inspiration see our links and resources page.


It is important that any food allergies are advised to staff so they can be posted in the kitchen and strictly followed.

Image by Ben Ashby
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If your child requires nappies, please bring in a supply and wet wipes that will be kept in the nappy changing area in a basket with your child's name attached.



Health and Safety precautions are continually monitored and reinforced by staff so that the children are also very aware of their personal safety.
All of our teachers hold a current first aid certificate so that there is always someone trained on site. These are renewed every two years.


Shining Stars

Our Shining Stars programme aims to introduce four year old children to many of the concepts they will come across when they start school.

The programme is optional. The children who wish to participate, meet every morning if they are 41/2 and older or afternoons if they are 4 to 41/2 for around 15-30 minutes.



We use Storypark as a main form of communication to you, our families. When you first enroll at Funshine, you will receive an email to set up your user account to access Storypark. On Storypark you will find your child’s learning stories, notifications for trips, events etc, a planning feature which enables you to view your child’s current overall learning plan which we will asking you to add input to and an ‘All About Me’ sheet which you can add vital information for your child as well as family & home photos.
We know that it can be hard to find the time to log in and check for updates, so we strongly recommend that you download the Storypark for families app on Google Play or the App Sore so you can get instant notifications on your phone when anything is added to your child’s page.
When your child reaches 4 and a half years old, with your permission, we will also invite their new entrant teacher to view their Storypark so the teacher can get to know your child’s strengths and interests before they begin school.​


What to bring each day

  • bag

  • spare clothes (at least two changes)

  • shoes, with gumboots & slippers in winter

  • lunch box (please no peanuts due to other children’s allergies, no lollies/chocolate)

  • drink bottle

  • hat for summer (pre sunblock before arrival)

  • jacket/wooly hat/gloves (in winter, extra warm tops)

  • If needed – nappies (daily or in bulk)

  • medication (if required, please see staff)

Note: Please make sure all items are named.

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